Quem estuda justiça de transição no Brasil?

Um panorama sobre uma agenda de pesquisas em construção



Transitional justice, Transitional justice in Brazil, Academic production


This article has two objectives: first, to situate the reader in the field of transitional justice, outlining its concept, genealogy, and introduction into public and academic debate in Brazil; second – and more important –, to carry out a first mapping of the bibliographic production of this field in the country. A preliminary analysis of the data collected allowed us to observe that research on transitional justice is concentrated in the area of Law, carried out mostly by women and at the master’s level, in graduate programs of superior education institutions in the Southeast and South of the country, and were mostly completed between 2014 and 2019. We also highlight a shift in the research agenda in recent years: if at the beginning the research was more theoretical,
about the possibilities of applying transitional justice measures in the country, over the years, theses, dissertations, and scientific articles began to analyze the measures that were effectively implemented, creating space for comparative analyzes with international experiences, among other emerging issues. 


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How to Cite

Gallo, C. A. ., & Jecov Schallenmüller, C. . (2023). Quem estuda justiça de transição no Brasil? : Um panorama sobre uma agenda de pesquisas em construção. BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (99). Retrieved from https://bibanpocs.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/641

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