The literature on social movements

interactions between institutional politics and non-institutional politics


  • Lucas Coelho Brandão


Social movements, Collective action, State, Institutional politics, Non-institutional politics


This article seeks to present the main contemporary theories about social movements developed in the United States and Europe, as well as to make a brief assessment of how Brazilian studies on the subject have incorporated and reframed that theoretical framework in considering the social and political specificities of the country. The guiding principle of the study is the analysis of how these theories have dealt with the problem of the interaction between institutional political action and non-institutional political action – especially in dealing with the relationship of the social movements with their main interlocutor, the State.


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How to Cite

Brandão, L. C. (2011). The literature on social movements: interactions between institutional politics and non-institutional politics. BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (71), 123–143. Retrieved from



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