Redes e inovação
uma análise bibliométrica do campo
innovation, networks, bibliometric analysis, innovation studiesAbstract
This is a systematic view on how different perspectives on networks and innovation are related within the fields of study. Innovation can be studied under various network approaches, all of which focus on the links between actors and their role in innovation. Based on this scope, we conducted a bibliometric literature analysis on the topic and main concepts associated with the approaches to understand the intellectual interactions and structural connections between the research field constituents. Results point to a clear division in the field, with different relations between the main investigated themes, the areas of study and the references. Based on current academic production, the main theoretical implication is a predominance of publications associated with interorganizational networks and applied social sciences, with little collaboration between the main authors of different approaches despite the great number of common topics. Thus, this research contributed to the mapping of the field of study, its division by approaches, themes and disciplinary areas, deepening the knowledge on the subject and its structuring in academia.
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