The effects of regional inequalities upon interpersonal income inequality in Brazil, the United States, and Mexico


  • Pedro Herculano Guimarães Ferreira de Souza


Regional inequality, Income inequality


The paper examines the effects of regional inequalities upon the interpersonal distribution of household per capita income in Brazil, comparing the results with those found for the United States and Mexico. Five hypotheses are tested from de-compositions of the GE(0) inequality index applied to census micro data for all the three countries. The results suggest that income inequality is mostly local in Brazil as well in the United States and Mexico, i.e., it occurs among neighbors, and thus remains unaccounted for even in spatial decompositions on the level of sub-municipalities. Even if all Brazilian municipalities had exactly the same income per capita, our total inequality would be superior to that found in the United States. This does not mean, however, that regional inequalities are of no consequence for income inequality, as they are also much more pronounced in Brazil and Mexico. The main difference between these two countries and the United States lies in the existence of macro regions with lower average incomes and higher internal inequality than the rest of the regions of each country. Both effects are of similar magnitude, so that, in the Brazilian case, lowering local inequality in the North/Northeast is as important as raising the average income of that region in order to reduce interpersonal income inequality.


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How to Cite

Souza, P. H. G. F. de. (2013). The effects of regional inequalities upon interpersonal income inequality in Brazil, the United States, and Mexico. BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (75), 131–162. Retrieved from



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