Calling into question the State failure

a review of critical approaches


  • Aureo de Toledo Gomes


Failed States, Terrorism, International security, International relations, Discourse


The aim of the article is to review the criticisms on the concept of failed State and to show how they enlarge the scope of the contemporary debate on the theme. In order to achieve such goal, the author decided to separate those conceptions into three lines: first, the contributions that discuss the current ways of identifying State failure; secondly, the works that put in question the relationship between failed States and transnational terrorism; and thirdly, those approaches whose main focus is the exam of how the discourse on failed State is built and used for political action.


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How to Cite

Gomes, A. de T. (2011). Calling into question the State failure: a review of critical approaches. BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (71), 69–94. Retrieved from



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