Methodological and cpistemological questions arisen by the Anthropology of Childhood


  • Angela Nunes
  • Maria Rosário de Carvalho


Children, Childhood, Agency, Participation, Anthropology, Episremology


Having overcome the initial step ot identifying the possibilities and potential of research on childhood in the fields of Sociology and Anthropology, Children’s agency in the universe of social relations has oc% cupied more and more space in research projects. At least theoretically. In practice, it is still unclear how to identify and understand rhe complexity of this process of children’s participation in social life and in building their own childhood, given the peculiar way children express themselves. “How and what to learn with children and about them” remains an open challenge, full of contradictions and dilemmas. This article will reflect on methodological and epistenlological issues that seem, to the authors, crucial to the advancement, definition,, and consolidation of this field of study.


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How to Cite

Nunes, A., & Carvalho, M. R. de. (2009). Methodological and cpistemological questions arisen by the Anthropology of Childhood. BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (68), 77–97. Retrieved from



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