Institutions, ju dicial decision andjegal thought analysis
the north american debate
Institutions, Judicial decision-making, Legal tought analysis, North American Supreme CourtAbstract
This essay presents different approaches of Political Science and Sociology of Law about judicial decisions in the North American Supreme Court. Preliminarily it is reported the critique of the juridical formalism conceived by the Legal Realism Theory starting from the 20'h century. After that the Pluralist, the Attitudinal and the Strategic Interaction models formulated all after the 40’s are discussed. In another moment this essay presents institutional approaches that adopt the historical and sociological perspectives to treat the relations among the Supreme Court decisions, the political orientation of the dominant alliance and the process of legal mobilization. These works embodied the constitutional thought and the techniques of decision-making to the political analysis of the Supreme Court decisions. This review intends to make a prime theoretical balance to the concepts and instruments of constitutional thought analysis elaborated by the Brazilian Supreme Court (STF - Superior Tribunal Federal) in the 1990’s.