As tensões entre segurança doméstica e direitos civis nos EUA pós-11 de setembro
Estados Unidos, Segurança doméstica, Terrorismo, George W. Bush, Direitos civisResumo
As tensões entre as instituições e políticas de segurança e os direitos civis da população são constitutivas da dinâmica política das democracias. Este artigo apresenta parte da bibliografia acadêmica que abordou as tensões entre os direitos civis e as políticas antiterror dos dois governos do Presidente George W. Bush com o objetivo de mapear e sistematizar os tipos de análises realizadas sobre o tema. São revisados trabalhos de quatro tipos: os que adotam uma das posições polarizadas postas pela tensão entre segurança e direitos civis; os que abordam o tema da perspectiva das policies; os que analisam o problema de uma perspectiva constitucional; e os que tentam lançar um olhar mais positivista e analítico sobre as relações entre segurança doméstica e direitos civis nos EUA pós-11 de setembro.
Alarmistas versus complacentes
ASHCROFT, John (2005). “Preserving life and liberty”. In: BAKER, Thomas E.; STACK Jr., John F. (orgs.). At wa with civil rights and civil liberties. Lanham, MD: Rowan & Littlefield Publishers.
BROWN, Cynthia (2003). Lost liberties: Ashcroft and the assault on personal freedom. New York: The New Press.
CHANG, Nancy (2002). Silencing political dissent: how post-September 11 anti-terrorism measures threaten our civil liberties. Canada: A Seven Stories Press First Edition.
LEONE, Richard C. (2003). The war on our freedoms: civil liberties in an age of terrorism. New York: BBS Public Affairs.
YOO, John (2005). The Powers of War and Peace: The Constitution and foreign affairs after 9/11. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
_____. (2006). War by other means: an insider’s account of the war on terror. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press. Analisando e melhorando as políticas de segurança
CRISHTI, M. A. et al. (2003). America’s security, civil liberties and national unity after September 11. Washington: Migration Policy Institute (MPI).
HEYMANN, P.; KAYYEM, J. (2005). Protecting liberty in an Age of Terror. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
SCHULHOFER, Stephen (2002). The enemy within: intelligence gathering, law enforcement and civil liberties in the
wake of September 11. Washington: The Century Foundation Press.
O debate constitucional
ACKERMAN, Bruce (2006). Before the next: preserving civil liberties in an age of terrorism. New Haven: Yale University Press.
COLE, D.; DEMPSEY, J. (2005). Terrorism and the Constitution: sacrificing civil liberties in the name of national security. 3. ed. New York: The New Press.
DYZENHAUS, D. (2005). “The state of emergency in legal theory”. In: RAMRAJ, Victor V.; HOR, Michael;
ROACH, Kent (orgs.). Global anti-terrorism law and policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
GRABER, Mark A. (2005). “Counter-stories: maintaining and expanding civil liberties in wartime”. In: TUSHNET, Mark (org.). Constitution in wartime: beyond alarmism and complacency. Durham: Duke University Press.
GROSS, Oren (2003). “Chaos and rules: should responses to violent crises always be constitutional?”. Yale Law Journal, n. 112, p. 1011-1134.
_____. (2005). “Stability and flexibility: a dicey business”. In: RAMRAJ, Victor V.; HOR, Michael; ROACH, Kent (orgs.). Global anti-terrorism law and policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
ISSACHARO, S.; PILDES, R. H. (2005). “Between civil libertarianism and executive unilateralism: an institutional process approach to rights during wartime”. In: TUSHNET, Mark (org.). Constitution in wartime: beyond alarmism and complacency. Durham: Duke University Press.
LOBEL, Jules (2005). “The war on terrorism and civil liberties”. In: BAKER, Thomas E.; STACK Jr., John F. (orgs.). At war with civil rights and civil liberties. Lanham, MD: Rowan & Littlefield Publishers.
PFIFFNER, James P. (2008). Power play: the Bush presidency and the Constitution. Washington: Brooking Institution Press.
TUSHNET, Mark (2006). Constitution in wartime: beyond alarmism and complacency. Durham: Duke University Press. As análises positivistas
BANKS, W. C. (2005). “United States responses to September 11”. In: RAMRAJ, Victor V.; HOR, Michael;
ROACH, Kent (orgs.). Global anti-terrorism law and policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
LEVIN, Brian (2007). “Trials for terrorists: the shifting legal landscape of the post-9/11 era”. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, v. 23, n. 2, p. 140-141.
LUBAN, David (2005). “The war on terrorism and the end of human rights”. In: TUSHNET, Mark (org.). Constitution in wartime: beyond alarmism and complacency. Durham: Duke University Press.
KLOSEK, J. (2007). The war on privacy. Westport: Praeger Publishers.
MORAN, Jon (2005). “State power in the war on terror: a comparative analysis of the UK and USA”. Crime, Law & Social Change, n. 44, p. 335-359.
SIDEL, Mark (2007). More secure, less free?: antiterrorism policy and civil liberties after September 11. Michigan: University Michigan Press. Literatura de apoio
CINTRA, A. O. (2007). “Presidencialismo e parlamentarismo: são importantes as instituições?”. In: AVELAR, Lucia; CINTRA, Antonio Octávio (orgs.). Sistema político brasileiro: uma introdução. 2. ed. São Paulo: Fundação Konrad Adenauer; Ed. Unesp.
KATZ, Richard S. (2007). Political institutions in the United States. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
TOINET, Marie-France (1994). El sistema político de los Estados Unidos. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.