Sociology of public action

public policy analysis with a French accent



Sociology of public action, Public police, State, Multiple actors, Cognitive approach


Through a systematic and in-depth literature review, this article presents an overview of categories and concepts used on French approaches to public action analysis, consolidated up from the 1980s. This literature, known as Sociology of Public Action, is still little explored in Brazil. By “sociologizing” public policy analysis, we understand that public action occurs within a negotiation environment between multiple actors inside and outside the State. The text analyzes the origins and main theoretical influences that formed the French approaches, as well as substantive aspects related to these analyzes, such as the understanding of what is State and Actors, and initial concepts on Cognitive Approach, which serve as an analytical complement and, for some authors, as a methodology for empirical studies.


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How to Cite

Direito, D. do C. (2021). Sociology of public action: public policy analysis with a French accent. BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (96). Retrieved from



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