Technologies of government, family and humanitarianism in a globalized world


  • Claudia Fonseca


Technologies of government, Multinationalism, Humanitarianism, Adoption, Family dynamics


In this essay, we examine recent anthropological analyses on transnational adoption of children, intending to show how these analyses enrich the debates not only on family, filiation, and kinship, but also on inequality and violence, technologies of government in a globalized world, and variant subjectivities in face of multicultural dynamics. We describe how, during the past twenty years, the focus of this thematic area has expanded from traditional societies to contemporary metropolis, from informal family practices to national and international legal norms, from analyses centered on “culture” to those centered on biopolitical processes in post-colonialist settings. Finally, we suggest how, by including among their potential readers administrators and decision-makers, many researchers have moved from a strictly disciplinary focus to arguments of a broader nature inspired in political engagements that highlight inequality as much as diversity.”


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How to Cite

Fonseca, C. (2011). Technologies of government, family and humanitarianism in a globalized world. BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (72), 7–39. Retrieved from



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