Culture des organisations

dominant focusing, international tendencies, and new analytical proposals


  • Leonor Lima Torres


Organizational culture, Organizational symbolism, The sociology of organizations, Managerialism


Both culture and organizational symbolism represent nowadays a solid field of study marked by multiple disciplinary contributions and by several theoretical agendas. Having analyzed the diversity of studies produced in the last few decades in the international level, we have identified two competing distinct theoretical studies on approaching organizational culture: the integrator movement, as a hegemonic refer­ential, and, as a countercurrent, the critical movement. If, on the one hand some more managing and integrating perspectives support that integrating cultures will favor the building of excellence and organi­zational competitiveness, on the other hand critical and reasoning perspectives will invest in the study of processes of construction and cultural manifestation, relativizing its usage as a technique in service of productivity. The central objective of this article consists in presenting a theoretical-empirical model to analyze cultural and symbolic dimensions of organizations that will allow apprehending the current processes of ongoing changes in labor organizations.


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How to Cite

Torres, L. L. (2008). Culture des organisations: dominant focusing, international tendencies, and new analytical proposals. BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (66), 47–63. Retrieved from



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