Do studies on political elites explain how institutions becoming institutions?
Elites theory, Political institutions, Theory of institutions, Path-dependency, Political recruitmentAbstract
The point of departure for this article was the disappearance of the theory of the elites in the agenda of political science during the last three decades. The reasons for this phenomenon can be identified on two elements: on the one hand, the type of questions proposed by the authors belonging to this elites’ approach (if elites continue to exist in democracies and how cohesive or divided they are), and another, the influence gained by institutionalist theories. Whereas the main challenge put to the theories of institutions is promoting an endogenous explanation on the formation, stability, and institutional change, the author recognizes the potential of studies on political elites to, by examining patterns of political recruitment inside institutions, provide clues for a more refined understanding of how institutions are building and persisting in time.
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