Uneasy waters

a provisory balance on the environmental Sociology in Brazil


  • Leila da Costa Ferreira
  • Lúcia da Costa Ferreira


Environmental sociology, Environment and society, Intellectual production


The article first propose the reconstitution and analysis of the history of international envi­ronmental sociology placed in the context of the contemporary sociology, discussing both the methodological-theoretical aspects and the institutional ones, in order to understand the obs­tacles to its legitimacy and to the consolidation of a problematic that until recently had not been approached by the social sciences. Secondly, it analyzes the Brazilian case. The environ­mental matter studied by the social sciences is found now very much influenced by the em­pirical North American sociology, that is the forerunner in the institutionalization process. A detailed analysis helps understanding the relationship among scientific field, environmental policies, and social movements.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, L. da C., & Ferreira, L. da C. (2002). Uneasy waters: a provisory balance on the environmental Sociology in Brazil. BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (54), 82–100. Retrieved from https://bibanpocs.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/253



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