From one transition to another? Revisiting Transition in Brief, by Wanderley Guilherme dos Santos (1986)
democratic transition, Wanderley Guilherme dos Santos, New Republic, brazilian democracyAbstract
Critical comment on the article “Transition in brief: from the recent past to the immediate future”, by Wanderley Guilherme dos Santos, published in the first issue of the Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais (RBCS) in 1986.
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SANTOS, Wanderley Guilherme dos (1979). Cidadania e Justiça: a política social na ordem brasileira. Rio de Janeiro, Campus.
SANTOS, Wanderley Guilherme dos (1987). Crise e castigo: partidos e generais na política brasileira. São Paulo/Rio de Janeiro, Vértice/IUPERJ.