The greek political theory on democracy
demarcation lines and methods of a historical and intellectual canon
Political theory, Democracy, Polis, Athens, Sophistic thought, PhilosophyAbstract
The article intends to rethink the historical evolution of the Athenian democracy and its relation to the intellectual movement that, in correspondence with the process of polis formation in ancient Greece, elaborated a democratic po-litical theory. Such a theory, seen as a systematic formulation of the democratic regime centered in the Athens of the V and IV centuries B.C., is taken by the article as an object of critique and consideration. Given such goal, it investigates, in three instances, the current state of the question: firstly, seeking to define the place and status of the classics and of the Greek social and political thinking tradition and its western legacy; secondly, analyzing conceptually the notion of polis and the nature of the political communities of the archaic and classical eras; and thirdly, revisiting the trajectory of the Greek ancient thought in order to observe its political and social implications so as to delimit and highlight the importance of the sophistic movement and the ulterior theoretical philosophy. Finally, the article provides some brief conclusions reaffirming the need and plausibility of demarcation lines and methodological resources required for a historical and intellectual reconstruction. The central thesis conducting the argumentation postulates the plausibility and feasibility of that sort of actualized reconstruction of the Greek democratic theory whose primary sources are to be found in the sophists (fundamentally Protagoras and Gorgias) and the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle.
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