The study food trust

an analysis of the research field


  • Juliana Mezzomo Allain
  • Julia S. Guivant


Trust, Research, Public opinion


Food crises, as the case of “mad cow” and the controversy over genetically modified foods led toa “trust crisis” trom the consumer, with significant economic consequences in some countries. In response, their governments sought to recast the legislation and structure of food safety systems and made heavy invest-ments in research on perception and communication about food risks, seeking to restore consumer trust and avoid future disputes. In Brazil, these crises, although experienced, had different consequences, with no questioning of the food safety system and no consideration of public opinion about food risks. In this paper we analyze some of the leading research on confidence in food, trying to systematize the approaches used and results found in this field in the international arena. We also present a brief analysis of the food safety system in Brazil, as well as the field of national survey, which allows us, in concludingremarks, make suggestions for research in the country.


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How to Cite

Allain, J. M., & Guivant, J. S. (2010). The study food trust: an analysis of the research field. BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (69), 79–96. Retrieved from



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