Domination structures, social integration and more
confrontations between Bourdieu’s and coleman’s concepts of social capital
Bourdieu and social capital, Coleman and social capital, Social capital and sociological theory, Social capital and schooling degree, Social capital and social theoryAbstract
With the great expansion of the use of the concept of social capital on several fronts, is also growing critical literature about it. The main aim of this paper is precisely to show some problems arising from the use of decontextualized concept, which ignores its theoretical and epistemological ground: Coleman and Bourdieu on the meanings of the concept are different. Therefore, the text presents, in summary, the notions of social capital based on these authors and highlights exemple cases in positions critical to the concept of Coleman and followers, often with positive references and allude to the concept of Bourdieu. Finally, brings a summary of this discussion focused on the relationship between social capital, education and recruitment of “elites”.
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