Sociology of taste

notes on a bibliographic confrontation


  • Carolina Pulici


Taste, Class, Stvle of life, Distinction, Inequality


The article discusses, initially, some classical works on the sociology of taste, which analyze the styles of life from the point of view of distinctive strategies presented in class relations. This older tradition is opposed to approaches of contemporary sociology of culture, which tend, precisely, to contest the supposition that there are crucial relationships between the judgments of rasre and the structure of class relations. Finally, it argues that Pierre Bourdieu’s works on the spheres of taste - the “target” of all the critiques of contemporary sociologists — emphasized the hierarchies (but also the relations) of class in a way that conciliates the unilateral approaches of two sociological traditions in the analysis of class: on the one hand, the approach which is specially concerned both with material inequalities and with political confrontation (Weber and Marx) and, on the other hand, the one that emphasizes sharp differences in prestige (Shills and Warner).


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How to Cite

Pulici, C. (2009). Sociology of taste: notes on a bibliographic confrontation. BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (67), 95–109. Retrieved from



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