Culture and family violence
a critical review o f the literature
Marital violence, Culture, Prevalence, AttitudesAbstract
This paper presents a critical review of the published research on the cultural dimensions of marital violence. This review is based on a systematic research on the journals, books, and monographs published between 1985 e 2005. This literature review conduced to the identification of three main strategies of research on the cultural dimension of marital violence: anthropological studies, inter-ethnic studies and inter-cultural studies. The variability of the definitions of violence found is discussed, as well as the difficulties concerning the identification of objective prevalence data and real comparative studies. Despite these difficulties, results point to the wide dissemination of violence against women in all the societies studied, as well as to the existence of major social inequalities in the distribution of power and resources, along with hierarchical conceptions of family life. Violence against women does seem, however, to be less extensive in pacified countries and in those where the social status of women is higher
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