O campo de estudos sobre governança colaborativa

o que sabemos e para onde vamos?



collaborative governane, bibliometric study, wicked problems, big challenges


Collaborative governance is a response to a series of organizational challenges. Albeit a promising strategy, it requires better conceptual outlines to facilitate empirical studies and theoretical deepening. This article presents a bibliometric review on collaborative governance studies in the fields of management and public administration. Bibliographic searches were conducted in the Web of Science and Scopus databases in January 2022, returning 437 studies. Analysis results show a vigorous and growing field, with systematized and widely used analytical models. Trends, themes and issues focus the local level; social strategy and management; to innovation and design; and to stakeholders. As main directions for future studies, the reviewed articles point to the expansion of already consolidated analytical models; the empirical testing of these and other models; approaches to the themes and issues mentioned above; and the broader sensitization of journals to the topic of collaborative governance in general. This article contributes to the studied field, presenting the main advances made so far, and pointing out directions that can be
followed by researchers interested in advancing knowledge and filling existing gaps.


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How to Cite

Falcão Martins, H. ., de Carvalho Oriol, E. ., Wegner, D. ., Lage Becker, P. ., & Drummond, . A. . (2024). O campo de estudos sobre governança colaborativa: o que sabemos e para onde vamos?. BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (100). Retrieved from https://bibanpocs.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/690