Cash transfers and gender-based violence
scientific gaps and controversies
Cash transfer policies, Gender, Gender violence, Domestic violence, Bolsa Família ProgramAbstract
This article presents a review of the Brazilian and international scientific production on Cash Transfer Programs and their effects on gender issues, especially in situations of violence against women in the domestic and family context. Focusing on the period between 2011 and 2021, we selected research with different methodologies that addressed different income transfer policies in the global scenario. The studies comprise an arsenal of results that contribute to the knowledge of how cultural and economic issues affect the lives of women in situations of violence. These results, however, point to the sometimes negative and sometimes positive effects of these programs on the position of women within the family and on the occurrence of gender-based violence. These divergences are due, in part, to the scarcity of more robust statistical analyzes and qualitative research that deepens the consequences of policies on gender-based violence.
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