Climate Change and Social Sciences

bibliometric analysis of the field (2001-2021)



climate change, brazilian social science, bibliometric analysis, vosviewer


This bibliometric analysis addresses the issue of climate change within the Brazilian
Social Sciences in national and international scientific journals of the Social
Sciences. Among the questions analyzed, this work seeks to answer who are the
main theorists and the great thematic groups from the perspective of climate change
in the fields of Social Sciences in Brazil. Data collection focused on the Scielo
Citation Index and Web of Science databases over the last ten years (2011-2021).
The analysis method used, among other procedures and tools, the VOSViewer. The
analyzed content reveals which thematic groups are the focus of study and research,
as well as groups of authors and their connections with each other, between academic institutions and countries. The results show five major groupings of studies
and research in Brazil – adaptation, social studies of science and technology,
governance, climate policy and land use –, their correlations between the different
areas of the social sciences and gaps and trends over the decades.


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Author Biographies

Frederico Salmi, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Doutorando em Sociologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)




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How to Cite

Salmi, F., & Cândido Fleury, L. (2022). Climate Change and Social Sciences: bibliometric analysis of the field (2001-2021). BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, 1(97), 1–19. Retrieved from