What can we answer by researching legislative staff?
Research agenda
Staff, Parliamentary Staff, Legislative, Legislative Professionalization;, Commissioned Positions, Political BureaucracyAbstract
The objective of this bibliographic essay is to summarize the literature on legislative staff, specifically congressmen’s personal assistants, with attention also to specificities of Brazilian federal legislative and research intersections implied by such idiosyncrasies. We summarize in three major currents the set of research already done. We name the approaches and research questions as: i) institutionalist (how rules for hiring staff conform its configuration?); ii) sociological-political (what professional profile and recruiting pathways of these individuals responds to process of professionalization [technification] of this professional body?); iii) organizational-decisional (what hierarchical forms or organizational configurations are found in offices? What is role of staff in: (a) defining the agenda? (b) acquisition of information on public policies? (c) decision making?). We highlight the international contributions of Piverell Squire and Susan Hammond and, at the national level, of Félix Lopez, Sérgio Praça and Fabiano Santos. We argue that many possible questions - which form a research agenda – still find open space, awaiting answers.
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