Benjaminian lineages of ethnographic thought


  • Beatriz Salgado Cardoso de Oliveira


Walter Benjamin, Urban Anthropology, Ethnography, Flâneur, Fragmen


In this paper, I analyze the influence of Walter Benjamin’s work on proposals for urban ethnography, in an attempt to trace the contours of what I call the “Benjaminian lineages of ethnographic thought”. I demonstrate, through a bibliographical review, how authors from several countries articulate concepts and categories of Benjamin’s work in their approaches to field research and ethnographic writing in the city since the 1980s. I call such concepts and categories “urban operators”, sort of epistemological tools through which Benjamin and the other authors address the cities. In this paper, I analyze two of them, the flâneur’stheory and the fragmented writing. Taking this into account, I argue that Benjamin’s work can still contribute to new approaches in the field of Urban Anthropology.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, B. S. C. de. (2016). Benjaminian lineages of ethnographic thought . BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (81), 42–65. Retrieved from



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