Council of South American Defense

three perspectives on its creation


  • Mariana P. O. de Lyra
  • Ricardo Borges Gama Neto


Council of South American Defense, UNSUR, South America, Regional Security, Defense


The paper explores some theoretical perspectives on the creation of the Council of South American Defense and analyzes three axes justifying the establishment of such organization, as well as its progresses and challenges. The main argument is that the three perspectives analyzed are complementary and that they help to better understand the current security architecture of South America


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How to Cite

Lyra, M. P. O. de, & Gama Neto, R. B. (2014). Council of South American Defense: three perspectives on its creation. BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (78), 99–110. Retrieved from



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