Inequalities of educational progression in Brazil

interactions between family backgrounds and contextual effects


  • Arnaldo Mont’Alvão


Educational transitions, Inequalities, Contextual effect


The study examines inequalities of educational progression, involving six progressive transitions in basic education. Drawing upon data from the 1991, 2000, and 2010 demographic census, the article discusses the interaction between family socioeconomic background (micro) and the contextual effects resulting from the municipalities’ educational struc-ture (macro). The main results of the investigation indicate that the educational context of the municipalities has a signifi-cant effect on the students’ trajectories and likelihood of completing those progressive educational transitions, even when controlled the families’ socioeconomic characteristics. The better the educational indicator of a municipality, the smaller are the effects of race and socioeconomic origins on the students’ chances of progression along the steps of primary school.


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How to Cite

Mont’Alvão, A. (2021). Inequalities of educational progression in Brazil: interactions between family backgrounds and contextual effects. BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (75), 13–40. Retrieved from



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