Marx and his legacy to the contemporary theory of the capitalist state


  • Renato Perissinotto
  • Adriano Codato


Marx, 18th Brumaire, State theory, Capitalist State, Marxism


The purpose of this essay is to identify some ideas outlined by Marx in his 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte that became fundamental for the development and establishment of the Marxist theory of the State between the years 1960-80. Although the importance of this work for the improvement of Marxist theory of the state has been largely recognized by many authors, there are no, if we are not mistaken, studies dedicated to systematically identifying the thematic links between Marx’s analysis and the works of social scientists and economists published during the second decade of the last century whose intention was to define once for all the “Marxist theory of the capitalist state.”


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How to Cite

Perissinotto, R., & Codato, A. (2010). Marx and his legacy to the contemporary theory of the capitalist state. BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (70), 31–50. Retrieved from



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