Elections, the economy, and the political cycle

a review of classic literature


  • Ricardo Borges Gama Neto


Electoral cycle, political behaviour, Elections, Economy, Phillips Curve


This article aims at discussing the main theories on political-econom ical cycles. T h e central problem is realizing h ow politicians in office w ill manipulate the norms that regulate the econom ic activity in their own favor during electoral periods. T heories include tw o basic premises: (1) the opinion o f voters on the governm ent varies according to the performance o f the econom y (central elements o f such rating being: level o f em ploym ent, inflation rate, and econom ic grow th); and (2) the governm ent knows h ow voters rate the macro-economical conditions o f the country, and should such rating be negative, w ill seek to match the current econom ic situation to the closest possible to the expectations o f voters. A n analysis o f the literature evidences the inexistence o f definite conclusions.


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How to Cite

Gama Neto, R. B. (2008). Elections, the economy, and the political cycle: a review of classic literature. BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (66), 91–112. Retrieved from https://bibanpocs.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/319



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