Technology, information and society

a systematization of concepts and debates


  • Daniel Guerrini
  • Ronaldo Baltar


The sociology of technology, Informationalism, Information and Communication Technologies, Technocracy, The sociology of work


This paper consists in a systematization o f concepts and debates on Information and Com m unication Technologies (ICT), as well as its development and social implications pointed out from 1950 on by different theoretical perspectives in the Social Sciences. T he great variety of them es by which such technologies traverse have allowed establishing an axis o f analysis on the existing literature, identifying in such debates aspects that have allowed reasoning the social structures that run the themes o f information technology. T hat way, it has been possible to open ways for a sociological thinking considering both advances and deficiencies present in half a century of debates on ICT, suggesting some questions for future readings and analyses.


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How to Cite

Guerrini, D., & Baltar, R. (2008). Technology, information and society: a systematization of concepts and debates. BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (66), 25–46. Retrieved from



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