Unions in transformation

union action “models”-the international debate


  • Sônia M. K Guimarães


Unions’ crisis, Models of unions’ strategies, Class interests, Agency


he article deals with the present crisis of unions by examining a foreign literature which tries to develop theoretical frameworks to advance a better understanding of the phenomenon. The analyzed authors have the merit of seeking to overcome the limits of the empirical-de­scriptive analysis. Instead, they propose different models of analysis, although tending to con­verge by focusing on the internal aspects to the unions (power resources; innovative strategies; leadership renovation), considered as decisive factors for the understanding of the phenome­non. They reject, therefore, the analyses based on the ideas of a structural conflict between capital and labor and that the decline of the unions would be explained by external factors alone, such as the changes in the economy and in the world of labor. Contrary to the homo­geneity of the outcomes shown by the latter assumption, the authors emphasize the diversity of situations, a result not only of the social context, but overall, of the actors’ (unions) cap­acities of acting strategically in face of the new challenges.


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How to Cite

Guimarães, S. M. K. (2007). Unions in transformation: union action “models”-the international debate. BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (64), 91–107. Retrieved from https://bibanpocs.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/309



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