Identity and context

some issues in social theory


  • Claudia Barcellos Rezende


Identity, Social theory, Western modernity, individual


In this article, I examine the way in which the concept of identity is used in the social sci­ences, through the works of Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann, Anthony Giddens, Zygmunt Bauman, Stuart Hall, Henrietta Moore, and Richard Handler. W ith the exception of the first two, who discuss identity in general, the others have looked at identity configura­tions in the modern world and their theoretical implications. M y analysis tackles two issues: notions of the subject which underlie the discussion, in particular whether or not there is an essential basis to identities; and the degree to which this concept of the subject varies in time and space, especially its forms in the modern West


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How to Cite

Rezende, C. B. (2007). Identity and context: some issues in social theory. BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (64), 29–41. Retrieved from



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