The Problem of rlectoral instability in Europe

an analysis on the theoretical,empiric, and methodological debate


  • Paulo Sérgio Peres


Instabilidade Eleitoral na Europa, Sistemas Partidários Europeus, Volatilidade Eleitoral


The objective of this paper is to analytically reconstruct the theoretical formulation of the problem of European contemporary electoral instability. Such problem is directly related to the well-known hypothesis of the “defrosting” o f the party systems in the area as well as to the academic debate that has followed w ith the purpose o f either rebut or corroborate it. Since then, such debate has involved a varied scope o f authors and a scries o f methodological inno­vations that have made possible a great advance on the empirical tests o f the dynam ic of party systems and the evolution o f electoral support for parties. Because of that, it is possible to affirm that the analysis of such debate is im portant for the understanding o f the theories and methodology used not only on the analysis o f more “consolidated” democracies but also of more recent ones.


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How to Cite

Peres, P. S. (2005). The Problem of rlectoral instability in Europe: an analysis on the theoretical,empiric, and methodological debate. BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais, (60), 87–117. Retrieved from



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