Três grandes súmulas de teoria social para o século XXI
Teoria Social, Lógica teórica, Teoria crítica, Pluriparadigmatismo, ExplicaçãoResumo
A publicação de súmulas de Teoria Social tem sido uma das marcas da prática acadêmica e pedagógica em Sociologia. Aqui procuro resenhar três das mais importantes obras publicadas recentemente, indicando semelhanças e diferenças entre elas e nos projetos teóricos dos respectivos autores. Consequentemente, interrogo as suas escolhas enquanto delineadoras de um determinado programa para o campo da Teoria Social e os caminhos futuros que estas apontam.
ABELL, P., et al. (2010). “Causal and constitutive relations, and the squaring of Coleman’s diagram: Reply toVromen”, Erkenntnis, v. 73, n. 3, p. 385-391.
ALEXANDER, Jeffrey C. (1982). Theoretical Logic in Sociology – vol. 1. Positivism, presuppositions, and current controversies. Berkeley, University of California.
_____. (1987). Twenty lectures – Sociological Theory since World War II. New York: Columbia University Press.
_____. (1989). Structure and meaning. Relinking classical Sociology. New York: Columbia University Press.
BAERT, Patrick (2005). Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Towards pragmatism. Cambridge: Polity Press.
BAERT, Patrick; CARREIRA DA SILVA, Filipe (2010). Social Theory of the twentieth century and beyond. Cambridge: Polity Press.
DEMEULENAERE, Pierre (ed.) (2011). Analytical Sociology and social mechanisms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
ELLIOTT, Anthony (2009). Contemporary Social Theory – an introduction. London: Routledge.
JOAS, Hans; KNÖBL, Wolfgang (2009). Social Theory: twenty introductory lessons. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
HEDSTRÖM, Peter (2005). Dissecting the social: on the principles of analytical Sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
HEDSTRÖM, P.; SWEDBERG, R. (1996). “Social mechanisms”. Acta Sociologica, v. 39, n. 3, p. 281–308.
KEMPLE, Thomas M. (2006). “Founders, classics and cannons in the formation of Social Theory”. In: DELANTY, Gerard (ed.). Handbook of contemporary Social Theory. New York: Routledge.
KUHN, Thomas (1970). The structure of scientific revolutions. 2. ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
LAKATOS, Imre (1970). “Falsification and the methodology of scientific research”. In: LAKATOS, I.;
MUSGRAVE, A. (eds.). Criticism and the growth of knowledge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
LEMERT, Charles (2010). Social Theory: the multicultural and classic readings. 4. ed. Colorado: Westview Press.
MÜNCH, Richard (1993). “The contribution of German Social Theory to European Sociology”. In:
NEDELMANN, Birgitta; SZTOMPKA, Piotr (eds.). Sociology in Europe. In search of identity. Berlin: De Gruyter. p. 45-66.
POPPER, Karl (1992 [1934]). The logic of scientific discovery. London: Routledge.
RITZER, George F. (2001) Explorations in Social Theory. From metatheorizing to rationalization. London: Sage.
SKINNER, Quentin (ed.) (1985). The return of grand theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
TURNER, Jonathan H. (2003 [1974]). The structure of Sociological Theory, 7. ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Thomson.